36mm x 24mm (Full frame)
品牌Blackmagic | 有效期至长期有效 | 最后更新2024-08-15 22:15 |
浏览次数243 |
新一代可自定义电影摄影机登场!Blackmagic PYXIS 6K是一款高端数字电影摄影机,它能准确还原自然的肤色调和丰富质朴的色彩。摄影机采用灵活设计,可以根据您的不同制作要求,实现各类装配方案!它搭载全画幅36 x 24mm 6K传感器,拥有宽广的动态范围,并且内置光学低通滤镜,其精妙设计可与传感器紧密契合。摄影机设有3款型号,分别搭载EF、PL或L卡口。此外,它设有两个CFexpress存储介质记录单元,其以太网端口还可以实现和Blackmagic Cloud的媒体文件共享!更好的是,它还可以在同一时间记录12bit Blackmagic RAW和非常小巧的H.264代理文件!
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K功能一览
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K L
RMB 26,700
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K EF
RMB 26,700
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K PL
RMB 28,450
Blackmagic PYXIS设有多个安装点和配件侧板,可轻松实现不同装备配置方案,满足您的各类制作需求!PYXIS有着紧凑小巧的设计,机身采用航空级铝金属以精密的CNC机械加工成型,兼顾轻量化、高强度的特点。您可以将其轻松安装到一系列摄影机配件上,例如摇臂、稳定器和无人机等。Blackmagic PYXIS的机身顶部和底部设有多个1/4英寸和3/8英寸螺孔,并且配有一系列侧板用于进一步扩展如把手、麦克风甚至SSD固态硬盘等配件的安装能力。一切设计,都是为了能打造出一款灵活多用的摄影机,适用于各类制作场合,坚固耐久且稳健可靠!
Blackmagic PYXIS拥有从事电影长片、电视节目和纪录片摄制所需的众多专业功能,而如今这些功能还可以应用到社交媒体、YouTube视频等平台,创建出具有电影质感的高品质内容。它有着高端数字电影摄影机所具备的各项功能,不论是明亮的高光区域还是昏暗的阴影区域,都能捕捉到更高的色深,更丰富的图像细节以及更宽的动态范围,这些正是让影像拥有“电影感”的原因所在,而如今,任何类型的制作都能拥有媲美电影风格的高端制作水准。不论是低预算独立电影、电视广告,还是企业视频,都能以大型数字电影的规格拍摄!
Blackmagic PYXIS搭载一块大尺寸6048 x 4032原生分辨率的全画幅传感器。这块传感器的大小几乎是Super 35传感器的三倍,能获得浅景深效果并可使用变形镜头进行无裁切拍摄,获得电影质感。有了13档动态范围和高达25600的双原生ISO加持,不论是明亮的日光还是几乎没有任何光源的拍摄条件,它都能呈现出细腻的低噪点影像画面。此外,您还能以上至36fps的全部传感器分辨率进行拍摄,或者以120fps的传感器裁切模式进行拍摄。优秀的传感器辅以先进的Blackmagic色彩科学,为您带来昂贵数字电影摄影机才具备的成像技术。
Open Gate 3:2 Anamorphic 6:5 6K DCI 17:9 6K 2.4:1 Super 35 4:3 4K DCI 17:9 Super 16 16:9 1080 HD
Blackmagic PYXIS的大尺寸全画幅传感器意味着您可以进行各种电影格式和宽高比制作,无需担心会牺牲画质!充分利用全部传感器范围进行拍摄,可以获得Open Gate片门全开3:2独特影像,方便您在后期制作期间对画面镜头进行重新构图。有了大尺寸传感器的助力,您就可以拍摄真正的6:5变形宽屏画面,无需裁切,让宽银幕电影呈现出比以往更丰富的细节和更高的分辨率。此外,您还可以使用传感器的经典Super 35尺寸裁切模式,快速创建出能和片门全开影像素材无缝契合的特写版镜头。一切革新,皆为成就不凡的高品质电影内容创作!
Blackmagic PYXIS设有L、EF或PL卡口三款型号供您选择,它们能充分兼容目前市面上的各类电影镜头和相机镜头!L卡口型号可以使用目前最新的徕卡、松下、适马等全画幅镜头,并且还可以安装镜头转接环,获得更广泛的新款镜头和复古镜头选择。EF型号可以使用您手头已有的高品质单反相机镜头,甚至是Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera所使用的镜头。PL型号可以使用来自蔡司、ARRI、Cooke等公司的专业级电影镜头,无需安装转接环。Blackmagic PYXIS能为您提供广泛的镜头选择,让您尽情施展创意!
影像画面中最亮和最暗部分之间的跨度就叫“动态范围”,这一概念以“档”来衡量。Blackmagic PYXIS拥有13档动态范围,这意味着它们有别于视频摄像机,能为画面中极亮和极暗的部分保留更丰富的细节。即便您调整好曝光设置在咖啡馆等室内场景进行拍摄时,也依然能够捕捉到窗外明媚阳光下的丰富细节。您还能获得比电影拍摄所使用的标准DCI-P3色彩空间更为丰富的色彩。此外,摄影机附赠DaVinci Resolve Studio,您可以在调色阶段自由调整曝光度并恢复各项控制,尽情施展创意才华!
在数字电影的领域,ISO是衡量图像传感器对光线敏感程度的指标。也就是说,ISO数值越高,传感器对光线的敏感程度也就越高,因此使用自然照明甚至在夜间拍摄都不再是难题!Blackmagic PYXIS搭载高达25600的双原生ISO并且经过优化设计,可大幅降低图像中的颗粒或噪点现象,并同时保持完整的传感器动态范围。对于采用现场照明的场景来说,400的原生ISO设置较为理想,而第二级的3200 ISO设置则比较适合在昏暗照明环境中拍摄。在您调整ISO时,增益会自动进行设置,因此即使您没有足够的时间进行布光,依然能拍摄获得清晰细腻的影像。
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K is an advanced digital film camera with an incredibly versatile design that lets you build the perfect camera rig for your production. This new model features a 6048 x 4032 full frame HDR sensor with built in optical low pass filter, dual native ISO, dual CFexpress media slots, all in a customizable body with flexible mounting options and side plates. Blackmagic PYXIS 6K is available in three different models with fixed L-Mount, PL or locking EF lens mounts.
36mm x 24mm (Full frame)
Active L-Mount.
Iris and focus on supported lenses.
13 Stops.
400 and 3200
6048 x 4032(Open Gate 3:2),上至36fps
4832 x 4032(Anamorphic 6:5),上至36fps
6048 x 3200(6K DCI 17:9),上至48fps
6048 x 2520(6K 2.4:1),上至60fps
4096 x 3072(Super 35 4:3),上至50fps
4096 x 2160(4K DCI 17:9),上至60fps
2112 x 1184(Super 16 16:9),上至100fps
1920 x 1080(1080 HD 16:9),上至120fps
Maximum sensor frame rate dependent on resolution and codec selected. Project frame rates of 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94 and 60 fps supported.
Off-speed frame rates up to 60 fps in 6K 2.4:1 and 4K DCI 17:9, 100 fps in Super 16 16:9 and 120 fps in 1080HD.
Auto focus available using compatible lenses.
Iris wheel and touchscreen slider for manual iris adjustment on electronically controllable lenses, iris button for instant auto iris settings on compatible lenses.
4” 1920 x 1080。
1500 nits
LCD capacitive touchscreen.
Automatically populated lens data from electronic L-Mount lenses. Automatic recording of camera settings, motion sensor data plus slate data such as project, scene number, take and special notes. A 3D LUT can also be embedded in metadata of Blackmagic RAW files.
Touchscreen menus on 4 inch screen. 1 x Power Switch, 1 x Record Button, 1 x Stills Button, 1 x Scroll Wheel with push, 1 x ISO Button, 1 x White Balance, 1 x Shutter Button, 3 x software configurable Fn buttons, 1 x Focus Button, 1 x IRIS Button, 1 x High frame Rate (HFR) Button, 1 x Zoom Button, 1 x Menu Button, 1 x Playback Button, 1 x Next Clip Button, 1 x Previous Clip Button, 1 x Lock Switch.
Highly accurate timecode clock. Less than 1 frame drift every 8 hours.
1 x 12G-SDI up to 2160p60
1 x Viewfinder USB-C with power,
data, video and locking connector.
1 x mini XLR analog audio in, switchable between
mic with phantom power support and line level
(up to +14dBu).
1 x 3.5mm Stereo Input.
1 x 3.5mm headphone jack.
Tri-Sync/Black Burst and Timecode.
USB Type-C for external drive recording,
PTP camera control and software updates.
1 x 1Gb/s RJ‑45 connector supporting10/100/1000 base-T.
Integrated stereo microphone.
1 x mono speaker.
2 x CFexpress Type B card slot, 1 x USB-C 3.1 Gen 1 expansion port for external media for Blackmagic RAW and H.264 Proxy Recording.
Can format media to ExFAT (Windows/Mac)or HFS+ (Mac) file systems.
Blackmagic RAW 固定码率 3:1,
Blackmagic RAW 固定码率 5:1,
Blackmagic RAW 固定码率 8:1,
Blackmagic RAW 固定码率 12:1,
Blackmagic RAW 固定画质 Q0,
Blackmagic RAW 固定画质 Q1,
Blackmagic RAW 固定画质 Q3,
Blackmagic RAW 固定画质 Q5,
H.264 代理,1920 x 1080,8bit 4:2:0
Blackmagic Zoom Demand and Blackmagic Focus Demand for controlling your camera and lens from tripod handles.
iPad control, Bluetooth control, USB PTP camera control. External control of some camera settings, focus, iris and zoom with compatible lenses. Camera Control REST API over Ethernet for external control via HTTP when used with REST client applications such as Postman.
1 x CFexpress Type B
1 x high speed USB-C expansion port for external media.
Blackmagic RAW 3:1, 5:1, 8:1, 12:1, Q0, Q1, Q3 and Q5 at 6048 x 4032, 4832 x 4032, 6048 x 3200, 6048 x 2520, 4096 x 3072, 4096 x 2160, 2112 x 1184 and 1920 x 1080 with film, extended video, video dynamic range or custom 3D LUT embedded in metadata.
Supports recording optional portrait mode metadata for all resolutions in Blackmagic RAW and H.264 Proxies.
Storage rates based on 30 frames per second.
6048 x 4032 (6K Open Gate 3:2)
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 370 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 223 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 140 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 94 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 278到555 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 186到444 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 124到318 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 75到186 MB/s
4832 x 4032 (Anamorphic 6:5)
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 297 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 179 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 112 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 75 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 223到445 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 149到356 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 100到255 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 60到149 MB/s
6048 x 3200 (6K DCI 17:9)
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 295 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 177 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 111 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 75 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 221到441 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 148到353 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 99到253 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 60到148 MB/s
6048 x 2520 (6K 2.4:1)
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 233 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 140 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 88 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 59 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 175到348 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 117到279 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 78到199 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 47到117 MB/s
4096 x 3072 (Super 35 4:3)
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 192 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 116 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 73 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 49 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 145到288 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 97到231 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 65到165 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 39到97 MB/s
4096 x 2160 (4K DCI 17:9)
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 136 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 82 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 52 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 35 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 102到203 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 69到163 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 46到117 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 28到69 MB/s
2112 x 1184 (Super 16 16:9)
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 40 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 24 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 16 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 11 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 30到59 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 21到48 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 14到34 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 9到21 MB/s
1920 x 1080
Blackmagic RAW 3:1 - 33 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 5:1 - 20 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 8:1 - 13 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW 12:1 - 9 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q0 - 25到49 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q1 - 17到40 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q3 - 12到29 MB/s
Blackmagic RAW Q5 - 8到17 MB/s
Constant Quality storage rates quoted are indicative only.
Actual storage rates are entirely dependent on image subject matter.
Blackmagic OS
DaVinci Resolve Studio for Mac and Windows including activation key
Blackmagic Camera Setup
Blackmagic RAW Player
Blackmagic RAW QuickLook Plugin
Blackmagic RAW SDK
Blackmagic RAW Speed Test
Mac 13.0 Ventura
Mac 14.0 Sonoma或更高版本。
Windows 10和11。
1 x External 12V power supply.
1 x 2‑pin locking connector.
Blackmagic URSA Cine Handle
Blackmagic URSA Cine EVF
Blackmagic PYXIS Rosette Plate
0°to 40°C (32° to 104°F)
-20°to 45°C (-4° to 113°F)
0% to 90% non-condensing
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K
Lens turret dust cap
PYXIS Standard Plate
60W power supply with locking connector and international adapters
Welcome booklet
DaVinci Resolve Studio activation key
(周一至周六 9:00-20:00)