品牌PHANTOM | 有效期至长期有效 | 最后更新2025-01-18 23:11 |
浏览次数5514 |
VEO 4K标配带512G存储、读卡器、镜头出厂可定制,EF卡口,PL卡口
- 描述
Phantom VEO4K® 是一款结构紧凑、坚固耐用、功能齐全的高速摄影机。作为媒体应用的定制产品,VEO4K-PL 采用了黑色外壳设计,具备光学低通滤镜和 PL 安装等电影摄像所需特性,并将 Phantom Flex4K-GS 的成像性能与 Phantom VEO 的便利性集于一身。
在 4096 x 2304 的全分辨率下,VEO4K-PL 每秒可拍摄高达 938 帧的影像,或在 4096 x 2160 的分辨率下,每秒拍摄 1000 帧的影像。如果降低垂直分辨率,还可进一步提高拍摄速度。传感器可在全局快门(标准)或卷帘快门模式下工作,以提高动态范围并消除对黑色参照物的依赖。凭借 72 GB 的最大 RAM 配置,VEO4K-990 可按每秒 1000 帧的速度录制 5 秒以上。
- 4K 分辨率最高可达每秒 1000 帧
- 可从全局快门切换至卷帘快门
- Color ISO 320T(卷帘快门);640T(全局快门)*
- 推荐 EI 范围:800-1000
- 10Gb以太网选择,实现最佳工作流程
- 具备所有 VEO-S 特性:CFast 2.0 媒体兼容性、
- On-camera 控制、 HDMI、3G-SDI 和二次电池输入* 按“ISO 12232:2006”方法计算
Phantom VEO4K® high-speed cameras are compact, rugged and packed full of features. The VEO4K-PL has been customized for media applications with a black housing and features required for cinematography such as an optical low pass filter and PL mount. It can be thought of as Phantom Flex4K-GS image performance in the convenient form factor of a Phantom VEO.
At its full 4096 x 2304 resolution the VEO4K-PL is capable of capturing up to 938 frames per second (fps), or 1000 fps at 4096x 2160. A reduction of vertical resolution will further increase the speed. The sensor can operate in global shutter (standard) or rolling shutter mode for increased dynamic range and to eliminate the need for black references. With the maximum RAM configuration of 72 GB, at 1000 fps the VEO4K-990 provides more than 5 seconds of record time.
- 4K at up to 1,000 fps
- Global shutter, switchable to Rolling shutter
- Color ISO 320T (Rolling shutter); 640T (Global shutter)*
- Recommended EI range is 800-1000
- 10Gb Ethernet option for optimal workflow
- Includes all VEO-S features: CFast 2.0 media compatibility, On-camera controls, HDMI, 3G-SDI, secondary battery input